VisiWinNet Smart Introduction

A chi è rivolto:

  • Costruttore di macchine e impianti
  • Operatore di macchine

Personale delle aree:

  • Applicazioni della macchina
  • Progettazione

Training objectives

The participants will be capable of independently configuring automation systems using VisiWinNET® Smart, as well as implementing and commissioning basic applications.


  • Connection to the controller
  • Overview of VisiWinNET Smart and further product versions
  • Introduction to VisiWinNET Smart Editor and the Project Wizard; to Form Designer and project configuration; Defining internal and external (controller) variables and user controls; Creating cross-references and performing troubleshooting; Managing and switching between multiple languages; Using alarms, trends and formulae; Using user management and logbook functions
  • Creating a basic visualization application
  • Practical exercises on the training equipment

Tipo di training: In aula


  • Bologna
  • Chieti
  • Milano

Data: Su richiesta

Prezzo: 1500 € IVA exclusa

Referenza: CbA_VWN.01.xx


Lenze Italia S.r.l. - Training
Viale Tibaldi 7
20136 Milano   
Telefono: +39 02 270 98 1
Fax: +39 02 270 98 290

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